
57 results

Rumen Radev steps up his game

Rumen Radev steps up his game

The Bulgarian head of state has grown bolder as he enters the third year of his term but he is still some way from launching a new political project

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Bulgarian parties gear up for election year

Bulgarian parties gear up for election year

The European Parliament elections this spring will be a grand rehearsal for the local elections in the autumn – and possibly a snap vote

A lavish budget in election year

A lavish budget in election year

Government finance is set for a deficit in 2019 even though next year will likely be the last in the current positive economic cycle

A dance with anti-liberalism

A dance with anti-liberalism

There are enough signals that Bulgaria is on the verge of joining the illiberal camp of Hungary and Poland in the EU, yet the government dare not take the final step

Players to watch: Fifty shades of Conservatives

Players to watch: Fifty shades of Conservatives

Anti-liberal nativism is the new black on the Bulgarian political scene and this could cause serious trouble after the upcoming elections.

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Releasing the pressure

Releasing the pressure

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov attempts to defuse the build-up of discontent against his government policies by asking three ministers to resign

Boyko Borissov: Bulgaria’s crisis manager

Boyko Borissov: Bulgaria’s crisis manager

A tragic bus crash has become a catalyst for a cabinet reshuffle and a potential government crisis

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Summer of political scandals, CEZ and Nova Broadcasting Group, Crashed Company Register, Bus crash near Svoge

A New Image for Mr Peevski

A New Image for Mr Peevski

A film production company is set to buy half of the newspaper business of the Bulgarian media mogul

The Deputy-PM Waging Multiple Wars at Once

The Deputy-PM Waging Multiple Wars at Once

Valeri Simeonov has proven himself as the most racy and controversial member of the third Borissov cabinet

The words you need to know this month

The words you need to know this month

Treti pol. Samoubit. Majko horo

Five Years After

Five Years After

Bulgaria’s will to protest might seem exhausted in the years following the summer of 2013, but dissatisfaction with the country’s politics still simmers



Istanbul Convention, Nationalist split, ERM II postponed, Kelner bids for Telenor

The Oligarchs’ Development Bank

The Oligarchs’ Development Bank

The government is pressing ahead with turning Bulgarian Development Bank into a new milker for businesses politically well-connected

The big spending spree

The big spending spree

Government expenditures are set to reach record heights in next year’s budget but distribution of the money is expected to be as inefficient a process as ever.

Three risks to a smooth presidency

Three risks to a smooth presidency

Bulgaria’s presidency of the Council of the EU is likely to run well but corruption, ultra-nationalists and language used by PM Boyko Borissov could spoil it all.

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

No immediate threats loom on the horizont

But social discontent from increasing social inequality could erode the support for ruling coalition in the mid to long term

News Brief

News Brief